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he mentioned it earlier in the introduction

  • 1 avant

    avant [avɑ̃]
    1. <
       a. (temps) before
    avant de (+ infinitif) before
       b. (durée) for
       c. (lieu) before
       d. (priorité) before ; (dans une liste, un classement) ahead of
    avant tout, avant toute chose ( = ce qui est le plus important) above all ; ( = tout d'abord) first
    avant tout, il faut éviter la guerre above all war must be avoided
    2. <
       a. ( = auparavant) first
    d'avant ( = précédent) previous
       b. ( = autrefois)
    ► Lorsque l'adverbe avant signifie autrefois, cette notion est généralement exprimée en anglais par used to, qui est suivi de l'infinitif.
    avant, c'était très beau ici it used to be very beautiful here
    avant, je n'aimais pas la physique I didn't use to like physics
       c. (durée) before
       d. (lieu) tu vois la boulangerie ? le fleuriste est juste avant you see the baker's? the florist's is just this side of it
    en avant [mouvement] forward ; [position] in front
    en avant, marche ! forward march!
    partez en avant, on vous rejoindra you go on ahead, we'll catch up with you
    3. <
       a. ( = partie antérieure) [d'avion, voiture, train] front ; [de navire] bows
       b. ( = joueur) forward
    4. <
    ( = antérieur) front
    * * *

    1. avɑ̃
    1) ( dans le temps) gén before, beforehand; ( d'abord) first
    2) ( dans l'espace) before

    tu vois l'église, j'habite (juste) avant — can you see the church? I live (just) before it

    refuser de s'engager plus avantlit to refuse to go any further; fig to refuse to get any more involved

    1) ( dans le temps) before

    avant mon départ/retour — before I leave/come back

    avant le 1er juillet — by 1 July

    2) ( dans l'espace) before

    faire passer quelqu'un/quelque chose avant quelqu'un/quelque chose — to put somebody/something before somebody/something

    avant tout, avant toute chose — ( surtout) above all; ( d'abord) first and foremost

    avant de locution prépositive

    avant que locution conjonctive

    en avant locution adverbiale forward(s)

    se pencher/faire un pas en avant — to lean/to take a step forward(s)

    en avant, marche! — Armée forward march!

    en avant toute!Nautisme, fig full steam ahead!

    en avant la musique! — (colloq) off we go!

    mettre quelqu'un/quelque chose en avant — to put somebody/something forward

    en avant de locution prépositive ahead of [groupe]

    1. avɑ̃
    adjectif invariable [roue, siège, patte] front

    nom masculin

    Lorsque avant est adverbe il se traduit par before sauf lorsqu'il signifie ‘en premier lieu, d'abord’; il se traduit alors par first: si tu prends la route, mange quelque chose avant = if you're going to drive, have something to eat first
    Lorsque avant est préposition il se traduit par before sauf dans le cas où une limite de temps est précisée; il se traduit alors par by: à retourner avant le 30 mars = to be returned by 30 March
    avant entre dans la composition de nombreux mots qui s'écrivent avec un trait d'union ( avant-hier, avant-guerre, avant-coureur etc). Ces mots sont des entrées à part et on les trouvera dans la nomenclature du dictionnaire. Utilisé avant un nom pour désigner une période précédant un événement ou l'avènement d'une personne il se traduit par pre- et forme alors un groupe adjectival que l'on fait suivre du nom approprié: l'avant-1945/l'avant-Thatcher/l'avant-sommet = the pre-1945 period/the pre-Thatcher era/the pre-summit discussions
    * * *
    1. prép
    2. adv
    3. adj inv
    4. nm
    1) [véhicule] front

    à l'avant — in the front, in front

    2) SPORT (= joueur) forward

    aller de l'avant — to steam ahead, to make good progress

    en avant — forward, forwards Grande-Bretagne

    Il a fait un pas en avant. — He took a step forward.

    avant que (avec subjonctif) ; avant qu'il ne parte; avant qu'il parte — before he leaves

    avant qu'il ne pleuve; avant qu'il pleuve — before it rains

    avant tout (= surtout)above all

    * * *
    avant ⇒ Note d'usage
    A adv
    1 ( dans le temps) gén before, beforehand; ( d'abord) first; que faisait-il avant what was he doing before?; tu n'aurais pas pu le dire avant? couldn't you have said so before(hand)?; si j'avais su cela avant j'aurais… if I'd known that before(hand) I would have…; quelques heures/jours avant a few hours/days before; la nuit/la semaine/le mois avant the night/the week/the month before; peu avant not long before (that); bien avant long before; le bus/train d'avant the previous bus/train; les locataires d'avant the previous tenants; le cours/la séance d'avant the previous lesson/performance; repose-toi avant tu partiras ensuite rest first and then go; laquelle de ces lettres veux-tu que je tape avant? which of these letters would you like me to type first?; avant nous n'avions pas l'électricité we didn't have electricity before; aussitôt avant just before; j'avais compris longtemps avant I had understood a long time before; ce n'était pas ce lundi mais celui d'avant it was not this Monday but the previous one; la fois d'avant nous nous étions déjà perdus we got lost the last time as well; j'ai vu le film mais pas l'émission d'avant I saw the film GB ou movie US but not the programmeGB before it;
    2 ( dans l'espace) before; tu vois l'église, j'habite (juste) avant can you see the church? I live (just) before it; ‘c'est avant l'église?’-‘oui juste avant’ ‘is it before the church?’-‘yes just before it’; il l'a mentionné avant dans l'introduction he mentioned it earlier in the introduction; je crois que la dame était avant I think this lady was first; il est inutile de creuser plus avant lit, fig there's no point in digging any further; refuser de s'engager plus avant lit to refuse to go any further; fig to refuse to get any more involved;
    3 ( dans une hiérarchie) before; le T vient avant T comes before; son travail passe avant his work comes first.
    B prép
    1 ( dans le temps) before; partir/arriver avant qn to leave/to arrive before sb, to leave/to arrive before sb does; avant mon départ/retour before I leave/come back; les enfants avant les adultes children before adults; je suis partie avant la fin I left before the end; avant l'ouverture/la fermeture des magasins before the shops GB ou stores US open/close; peu avant minuit shortly before midnight; ne viens pas avant 5 heures don't come before 5 o'clock; rentrer avant la nuit/le dîner to come back before nightfall/dinner; la situation d'avant la crise/révolution the situation before the crisis/revolution; avant le 1er juillet by 1 July; le travail doit être fini avant l'été/la fin de l'année/19 heures the work must be completed by the summer/the end of the year/7 pm; j'aurai fini avant une semaine/un mois I'll have finished within a week/a month; nous partons à 11 heures, avant cela je vais travailler un peu we're leaving at 11, I'm going to do a bit of work before then; avant peu shortly; vous serez informé avant peu des nouvelles consignes you will be informed of the new orders shortly; bien/peu avant 16 heures well/a little before 4 pm; bien avant ta naissance long ou well before you were born ; avant toute explication/considération before explaining/considering anything; avant déduction/impôt before deductions/tax;
    2 ( dans l'espace) before; avant le croisement/la poste before the crossing/the post office; bien/juste avant le pont well/just before the bridge; j'étais avant vous I was in front of ou before you; ⇒ charrue;
    3 ( dans une hiérarchie) before; le grade de capitaine vient avant celui de colonel the rank of captain comes before that of colonel; faire passer qn/qch avant qn/qch to put sb/sth before sb/sth; avant tout, avant toute chose ( surtout) above all; ( d'abord) first and foremost; il recherche avant tout la tranquillité above all he wants peace and quiet; il s'agit avant tout de comprendre le principe above all, it is a matter of understanding the principle; je suis avant tout un peintre I am first and foremost a painter.
    C en avant loc adv
    1 ( dans l'espace) forward(s); se pencher/faire un pas en avant to lean/to take a step forward(s); faire deux pas en avant to take two steps forward(s); partir en avant to go ahead; en avant!, en avant la musique! off we go!; en avant, marche! Mil, fig forward march!; en avant toute! Naut, fig full steam ahead!; mettre qch en avant to put sth forward; mettre en avant le fait que to point out the fact that; mettre qn en avant to put sb forward; se mettre en avant to push oneself forward;
    2 ( dans le temps) ahead.
    D avant de loc prép avant de faire before doing; réfléchis avant de prendre ta décision think about it before making a decision ou before you make a decision; c'est juste avant d'arriver dans le village it's just before you get to the village; agiter avant de servir shake before serving.
    E avant que loc conj avant qu'il ne soit trop tard/qu'elle ne dise non before it's too late/she says no; essaie de rentrer avant qu'il ne fasse nuit try to come back before dark; il est parti un jour avant que je n'arrive he left one day before I arrived; le gouvernement a démissionné avant que la révolte n'éclate the government resigned before the rebellion broke out.
    F en avant de loc prép ahead of [groupe, cortège].
    A adj inv [roue, siège, patte] front; la partie avant de qch the front part of sth.
    B nm
    1 ( partie antérieure) l'avant the front; tout l'avant du véhicule est à refaire the whole of the front of the vehicle will have to be repaired; à l'avant in (the) front; à l'avant du train [passager, locomotive] at the front of the train; à l'avant du bateau at the front of the boat; d'avant en arrière backward(s) and forward(s); aller de l'avant to forge ahead; aller de l'avant dans ses projets to forge ahead with one's plans; c'est une femme qui va de l'avant she's very go-ahead;
    2 Sport forward; la ligne des avants gén the forward line; ( au rugby) the front line.
    [avɑ̃] préposition
    1. [dans le temps] before
    il est arrivé avant la nuit/le dîner he arrived before nightfall/dinner
    avant son élection prior to her election, before being elected
    peu avant les élections a short while ou time before the elections
    2. [dans l'espace] before
    3. [dans un rang, un ordre, une hiérarchie] before
    vous êtes avant moi [dans une file d'attente] you're before me
    [avɑ̃] adverbe
    1. [dans le temps] before
    avant, j'avais plus de patience avec les enfants I used to be more patient with children
    quand j'ai un rendez-vous, j'aime arriver un peu avant when I'm due to meet someone, I like to get there a little ahead of time
    bien ou longtemps avant well ou long before
    discuter/lire bien avant dans la nuit to talk/to read late into the night
    2. [dans l'espace]
    sans entrer ou aller plus avant dans les détails without going into any further ou more detail
    3. [dans un rang, un ordre, une hiérarchie]
    [avɑ̃] adjectif invariable
    [saut périlleux, roulade] forward
    [roue, siège, partie] front
    [avɑ̃] nom masculin
    1. [d'un véhicule] front
    aller de l'avant (sens propre & figuré) to forge ahead
    [au volley] frontline player
    jouer avant droit/gauche to play right/left forward
    la ligne des avants, les avants the forward line, the forwards
    avant de locution prépositionnelle
    avant de partir, il faudra... before leaving, it'll be necessary to...
    avant que locution conjonctive
    avant qu'il comprenne, celui-là! by the time he's understood!
    avant que de locution prépositionnelle
    avant tout locution adverbiale
    1. [surtout]
    2. [tout d'abord] first
    avant tout, je voudrais vous dire ceci first (and foremost), I'd like to tell you this
    avant toute chose locution adverbiale
    avant toute chose, je vais prendre une douche I'll have a shower before I do anything else
    d'avant locution adjectivale
    le jour/le mois d'avant the previous day/month, the day/month before
    en avant locution adverbiale
    [marcher] in front
    [partir] ahead
    [se pencher, tomber, bondir] forward
    en avant, marche! MILITAIRE forward march!
    a. [pour se protéger] to use somebody as a shield
    b. [pour le faire valoir] to push somebody forward ou to the front
    en avant de locution prépositionnelle

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > avant

  • 2 पूर्व _pūrva

    पूर्व a. (Declined like a pronoun when it implies relative position in time or space, but optionally so in nom. pl.; and abl. and loc. sing.)
    1 Being in front of, first, foremost.
    -2 Eastern, easterly, to the east of; ग्रामात् पर्वतः पूर्वः Sk.; पूर्वापरौ तोयनिधी वगाह्य Ku.1.1.
    -3 Previous to, earlier than; ब्राह्मणे साहसः पूर्वः Ms.8.276.
    -4 Old, ancient; पूर्वसूरिभिः R.1.4; इदं कविभ्यः पूर्वेभ्यो नमोवाकं प्रशास्महे U.1.1.
    -5 Former, previous, anterior, prior, antecedent (opp. उत्तर); in this sense often at the end of comp. and translated by 'formerly.' or 'before'; श्रुतपूर्व &c.; व्यतीता या निशा पूर्वा पौराणां हर्षवर्धिनी Rām.7.37.1.
    -6 Aforesaid, before-mentioned.
    -7 Initial.
    -8 Established, customary, of long standing
    -9 Early, prime, पूर्वे वयसि Pt.1.165 'in early age or prime of life.
    -1 Elder (ज्येष्ठ); रामः पूर्वो हि नो भ्राता भविष्यति महीपतिः Rām.2.79.8.
    -11 (At the end of comp.) Preceded by, accompanied by, attended with; संबन्धमा भाषणपूर्वमाहुः R.2.58; पुण्यः शब्दो मुनिरिति मुहुः केवलं राजपूर्वः Ś2.17; तान् स्मितपूर्वमाह Ku.7.47; बहुमानपूर्वया 5.31; दशपूर्वरथं यमाख्यया दशकण्ठारिगुरुं विदुर्बुधाः R.8.29; so मतिपूर्वम् Ms.11.147 'intentionally', 'knowingly'; 12.89; अबोधपूर्वम् 'unconsciously', Ś.5.2. &c.
    -र्वः An ancestor, a forefather; पूर्वैः किलायं परिवर्धितो नः R.13.3; पयः पूर्वैः सनिश्वासैः कवोष्णमुपभुज्यते 1.67;5.14; अनुकारिणि पूर्वेषां युक्तरूपमिदं त्वयि Ś.2.17.
    -र्वम् The fore- part; अनवरतधनुर्ज्यास्फालनक्रूरपूर्वम् (गात्रम्) Ś.2.4.
    -र्वा 1 The east
    -2 N. of a country to the east of Madhya- deśa.
    -र्वम् ind.
    1 Before (with abl.); मासात् पूर्वम्.
    -2 Formerly, previously, at first, antecedently, before- hand; तं पूर्वमभिवादयेत् Ms.2.117;3.94;8.25;; R. 12.35; प्रणिपातपूर्वम् K; भूतपूर्वखरालयम् U.2.17 'which formerly was the abode', &c.; समयपूर्वम् Ś.5. 'after a formal agreement.'
    -3 Immemorially. (पूर्वेण 'in front', 'before', 'to the east of', with gen. or acc.; अद्य पूर्वम् 'till-now', 'hitherto';
    पूर्वः -ततः -पश्चात् -उपरि 'first- then, first-afterwards', 'previously, subsequently',
    पूर्वम् -अधुना or
    -अद्य 'formerly-now.'
    -Comp. -अग्निः the sacred fire kept in the house (आवसथ्य).
    -अङ्गः the first day in the civil month.
    -अचलः, -अद्रिः the eastern mountain behind which the sun and moon are supposed to rise.
    -अधिकारिन् m. the first occu- pant, a prior owner.
    -अन्तः the end of a preceding word.
    1 eastern and western; कतमो$यं पूर्वापर- समुद्रावगाढः सानुमानालोक्यते Ś.7; पूर्वापरौ तोयनिधी वगाह्य Ku. 1.1.
    -2 first and last.
    -3 prior and subsequent, pre- ceding and following.
    -4 connected with another.
    (-रम्) 1 what is before and behind.
    -2 connection; न च पूर्वापरं विद्यात् Ms.8.56.
    -3 the proof and the thing to be proved. ˚विरोधः inconsistency, incongruity.
    -अभि- मुख a. turned towards or facing the east.
    -अभ्यासः former practice or experience.
    -अम्बुधिः the eastern ocean.
    -अर्जित a. attained by former works. (
    -तम्) ancestral property.
    -अर्धः, -र्धम् 1 the first half; दिनस्य पूर्वार्धपरार्धभिन्ना छायेव मैत्री खलसज्जनानाम् Bh.2.6; समाप्तं पूर्वार्धम् &c.
    -2 the upper part (of the body); शकुन्तला पूर्वार्धेन शयनादुत्थाय Ś.3; R.16.6.
    -3 the first half of a hemistich.
    -अवसायिन् a. what occurs first or earlier; पूर्वावसायिनश्च बलीयांसो जघन्यावसायिभ्यः ŚB. on MS.12.2.34.
    -अह्णः the earlier part of the day, forenoon; Ms.4. 96,152. श्वः कार्यमद्य कुर्वीत पूर्वाह्णे चापराह्णिकम् (पूर्वाह्णतन, पूर्वा- ह्णिकः, पूर्वाह्णेतन a. relating to the forenoon).
    -आवेदकः a plaintiff.
    -आषाढा N. of the 2th lunar mansion con- sisting of two stars.
    - इतर a. western.
    -उक्त, -उदित a. beforementioned, aforesaid,
    -उत्तर a. north-eastern. (
    -रा) the north-east. (
    -रे dual) the preceding and following, antecedent and subsequent.
    -कर्मन् n.
    1 a former act or work.
    -2 the first thing to be done, a prior work.
    -3 actions done in a former life.
    -4 preparations, preliminary arrangements.
    -कल्पः former times.
    -कायः 1 the fore-part of the body of animals; पश्चार्धेन प्रविष्टः शरपतनभयाद् भूयसा पूर्वकायम् Ś.1.7.
    -2 the upper part of the body of men; स्पृशन् करेणानतपूर्वकायम् R.5.32; पर्यङ्कबन्धस्थिरपूर्वकायम् Ku.3.45.
    -काल a. belonging to ancient times. (
    -लः) former or ancient times.
    -कालिक, -कालीन a. ancient.
    -काष्ठा the east, eastern quarter.
    -कृत a. previously done. (
    -तम्) an act done in a former life.
    -कोटिः f. the starting point of a debate, the first statement or पूर्वपक्ष q. v.
    -क्रिया preparation.
    -गा N. of the river Godāvarī.
    -गङ्गा N. of the river Narmadā; रेवेन्दुजा पूर्वगङ्गा नर्मदा मेकलीद्रिजा Abh. Chin.183.
    -चोदित a.
    1 aforesaid, above-men- tioned.
    -2 previously stated or advanced (as an objec- tion.
    - a.
    1 born or produced before or formerly, first-produced, first-born; यमयोः पूर्वजः पार्थः Mb.3.141. 11.
    -2 ancient, old.
    -3 eastern.
    (-जः) 1 an elder brother; अपहाय महीशमार्चिचत् सदसि त्वां ननु भामपूर्वजः; Śi. 16.44; R.15.36.
    -2 the son of the elder wife.
    -3 an ancestor, a forefather; स पूर्वजानां कपिलेन रोषात् R.16.34.
    -4 (pl.) the progenitors of mankind.
    -5 the manes living in the world of the moon. (
    -जा) an elder sister.
    -जन्मन् n. a former birth. (-m.) an elder brother; स लक्ष्मणं लक्ष्मणपूर्वजन्मा (विलोक्य) R.14.44.;15.95.
    -जातिः f. a former birth.
    -ज्ञानम् knowledge of a former life.
    -तापनीयम् N. of the first half of नृसिंहतापनीयोपनिषद्.
    -दक्षिण a. south-eastern. (
    -णा) the south-east.
    -दिक्पतिः Indra, the regent of the east.
    -दिनम् the forenoon.
    -दिश् f. the east.
    -दिश्य a. situated towards the east, eastern.
    -दिष्टम् the award of destiny.
    -दृष्ट a.
    1 primæval.
    -2 declared by the ancients; यथा ब्राह्मण- चाण्डालः पूर्वदृष्टस्तथैव सः Ms.9.87.
    -देवः 1 an ancient deity.
    -2 a demon or Asura; भूमिदेवनरदेवसंगमे पूर्वदेवरिपुरर्हणां हरिः Śi.14.58.
    -3 a progenitor (पितृ).
    -4 (du.) an epithet of Nara-Nārāyaṇa; सव्यसाचिन् महाबाहो पूर्वदेव सनातन Mb.3. 41.35. (com. पूर्वदेव नरनारायणसख).
    -देवता a progenitor (पितृ) of gods or of men; अक्रोधनाः शौचपराः सततं ब्रह्म- चारिणः । न्यस्तशस्त्रा महाभागाः पितरः पूर्वदेवताः ॥ Ms.3.192.
    -देशः the eastern country, or the eastern part of India.
    -द्वार a. favourable in the eastern region.
    -निपातः the irregular priority of a word in a compound; cf. परनिपात.
    -निमित्त an omen.
    -निविष्ट a. made formerly, in past; यस्तु पूर्वनिविष्टस्य तडागस्योदकं हरेत् Ms.9.281.
    -पक्षः 1 the fore-part or side.
    -2 the first half of a lunar month; सर्वं पूर्वपक्षापरपक्षाभ्यामभिपन्नम् Bṛi. Up.3.1.5.
    -3 the first part of an argument, the prima facie argument or view of a question; विषयो विशयश्चैव पूर्वपक्षस्तथोत्तरम्.
    -4 the first objection to an argument.
    -5 the statement of the plaintiff.
    -6 a suit at law.
    -7 an assertion, a proposi- tion. ˚पादः the plaint, the first stage of a legal proceeding.
    -पदम् the first member of a compound or sentence.
    -पर्वतः the eastern mountain behind which the sun is supposed to rise.
    -पश्चात्, -पश्चिम ind. from the east to the west.
    -पाञ्चालक a. belonging to the eastern Pañch- ālas.
    -पाणिनीयाः m. (pl.) the disciples of Pāṇini living in the east.
    -पालिन् m. an epithet of Indra.
    -पितामहः a forefather, an ancestor; अब्रवीद् हि स मां क्रुद्धस्तव पूर्वपितामहः । मूत्रश्लेष्माशनः पाप निरयं प्रतिपत्स्यसे ॥ Mb.12.3.21.
    -पीठिका introduction.
    -पुरुषः 1 an epithet of Brahmā.
    -2 anyone of the first three ancestors, beginning with the father (पितृ, पितामह, and प्रपितामह); Pt.1.89.
    -3 an ancestor in general.
    -पूर्व a. each preceding one. (
    -र्वाः) m. (pl.) forefathers.
    -प्रोष्ठपदा = पूर्वभाद्रपदा; Mb.13.89.13.
    -फल्गुनी the eleventh lunar mansion containing two stars. ˚भवः an epithet of the planet Jupiter.
    -बन्धुः first or best friend; Mk.
    -भवः a former life.
    -भागः 1 the forepart.
    -2 the upper part.
    -भा(भ)द्रपदा the twentyfifth lunar mansion containing two stars.
    -भावः 1 priority.
    -2 prior or antecedent existence; येन सहैव यस्य यं प्रति पूर्वभावो$वगम्यते Tarka K.
    -3 (Rhet.) disclosing an intention.
    -भाषिन् a. willing to speak first; hence polite, courteous.
    -भुक्तिः f. prior occupation or possession; Ms.8.252.
    -भूत a. preceding, previous.
    -मध्याह्नः the forenoon.
    -मारिन् a. dying before; एवंवृत्तां सवर्णां स्त्रीं द्विजातिः पूर्वमारिणीम् (दाहयेत्) Ms.5.167.
    -मीमांसा 'the prior or first Mīmāṁsā', an inquiry into the first or ritual portion of the Veda, as opposed to the उत्तरमीमांसा or वेदान्त; see मीमांसा.
    -मुख a. having the face turned towards the east.
    -याम्य a. south-eastern.
    -रङ्गः the commencement or prelude of a drama, the prologue; यन्नाठ्यवस्तुनः पूर्वं रङ्गविघ्नोपशान्तये । कुशीलवाः प्रकुर्वन्ति पूर्वरङ्गः स उच्यते ॥ D. R; पूर्वरङ्गं विधायैव सूत्रधारो निवर्तते S. D.283; पूर्वरङ्गः प्रसंगाय नाटकीयस्य वस्तुनः Śi.2.8. (see Malli. there- on).
    -रागः the dawning or incipient love, love between two persons which springs (from some previous cause) before their meeting; श्रवणाद् दर्शनाद् वापि मिथः संरूढरागयोः । दशाविशेषोयो$प्राप्तौ पूर्वरागः स उच्यते ॥ S. D.214.
    -रात्रः the first part of the night (from dusk to midnight).
    -रूपम् 1 indication of an approaching change; an omen.
    -2 a symptom of occuring disease.
    -3 the first of two con- current vowels or consonants that is retained.
    -4 (in Rhet.) a figure of speech which consists in describing anything as suddenly resuming its former state.
    -लक्षणम् a symptom of coming sickness.
    -वयस् a. young. (-n.) youth.
    -वर्तिन् a. existing before, prior, previous.
    -वाक्यम् (in dram.) an allusion to former utterance.
    -वादः the first plea or commencement of an action at law; पूर्ववादं परित्यज्य यो$न्यमालम्बते पुनः । पदसंक्रमणाद् ज्ञेयो हीनवादी स वै नरः ॥ Mitā.
    -वादिन् m. the complainant or plaintiff.
    -विद् a. knowing the events of the past; historian; पृथोरपीमां पृथिवीं भार्यां पूर्वविदो विदुः Ms.9.44.
    -विप्रतिषेधः the conflict of two statements contrary to each other.
    -विहित a. deposited before.
    -वृत्तम् 1 a former event; पूर्ववृत्तकथितैः पुराविदः सानुजः पितृ- सखस्य राघवः (अह्यमानः) R.11.1.
    -2 previous conduct.
    -वैरिन् a. one who first commences hostilities, an ag- gressor.
    -शारद a. relating to the first half of autumn.
    -शैलः see पूर्वपर्वत.
    -सक्थम् the upper part of the thigh. P. V.4.98.
    -संचित a. gathered before (as in former birth); त्यजेदाश्वयुजे मासि मुन्यन्नं पूर्वसंचितम् Ms.6.15.
    -सन्ध्या daybreak, dawn; रजनिमचिरजाता पूर्वसंध्या सुतैव (अनुपतति) Si.11.4.
    -सर a. going in front.
    -सागरः the eastern ocean; स सेनां महतीं कर्षन् पूर्वसागरगामिनीम् R.4.32.
    -साहसः the first of the three fines; स दाप्यः पूर्वसाहसम् Ms.9.281.
    -स्थितिः f. former or first state.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > पूर्व _pūrva

  • 3 пример

    example, instance, model
    Безусловно, это пример (чего-л). - This is, of course, an example of...
    Более интригующим примером является... - A more intriguing example is...
    Более сложный пример доставляется (из рассмотрения и т. п.)... - A more complex example is afforded by...
    Будет полезен другой пример. - Another example will be helpful.
    Было бы легко привести значительно больше примеров... - It would be easy to give many more examples of...
    В [2] приводятся несколько примеров. - Several examples are given in [2].
    В данном параграфе мы обсуждаем некоторые простые свойства и примеры (чего-л). - In this section we discuss some simple properties and examples of...
    В каждом из этих примеров рассматривается... - Each of these examples is concerned with...
    В качестве другого примера мы можем проверить... - As a further example we may examine...
    В качестве последнего примера в этой главе рассмотрим... - As a final example in this chapter we consider...
    В качестве последнего примера мы возьмем... - As a last example, we take...
    В качестве практически важного примера рассмотрим... - As an example of practical importance we consider...
    В качестве примера описанного выше метода мы показываем, что... - As an example of the method described above we show that...
    В качестве примера рассмотрим теперь... - By way of example, let us now consider...
    В качестве слегка более сложного примера мы докажем, что... - As a slightly harder example we prove that...
    В качестве специального примера предположим... - As a specific illustration, suppose that...
    В качестве тривиального примера рассмотрим... - As a trivial example of this, consider...
    В качестве частного примера рассмотрим следующий. - As a particular example take the following.
    В нескольких следующих примерах мы будем предполагать для удобства, что... - In the next few examples we will assume for convenience that...
    В следующем параграфе мы обсудим примеры... - In the next section we discuss examples of...
    В следующем примере мы используем этот метод, чтобы определить... - In the following examples we use this method to determine...
    В этих примерах получается, что... - In these examples it happens that...
    В этом примере мы имеем дело с... - In this example we work with...
    Важно отметить, что этот пример указывает на
    что-л)... - It is important to note from this example that...
    Возможно, основной урок, который мы извлекаем из этих трех примеров, состоит в том, что... - Probably the main lesson to be gained from these three examples is that...
    Вышесказанное является хорошим примером... - The foregoing is a good example of...
    Главной характерной чертой предыдущего примера является... - A central feature of the previous example is...
    Давайте рассмотрим этот вопрос, используя специальные примеры. - Let us approach this question by means of specific examples.
    Данные примеры должны прояснить... - These examples should make it clear that...
    Данный пример имеет некоторый интерес в связи с... - This example is of some interest in connection with...
    Данный пример является типичным во многих (случаях и т. п.)... - This example is typical of many...
    Данный процесс может быть проиллюстрирован несколькими примерами. - The process may be illustrated by a few examples.
    Действительный смысл этого примера состоит в том, что... - The real point of this illustration is that...
    Другие примеры... упоминаются во втором параграфе. - Other examples of... are mentioned in Section 2.
    Другой важный пример этого принципа встречается, когда... - Another important example of this principle occurs when...
    Другой пример мог бы быть взят из... - Another example might be taken from...
    Еще более удивительным является обнаруженный/предложенный Смитом пример [11], который показывает, что... - Even more startling is an example due to Smith [11], which shows that...
    Заключение, вытекающее из следующих двух примеров, состоит в том, что... - The conclusion to be drawn from these two examples is that...
    Здесь мы описываем некоторые ранние примеры... - Here we describe some early examples of...
    Здесь мы приводим другой пример (чего-л). - We give here another example of...
    чем-л/где-л)... - Familiar examples are provided by...
    Из этого частного примера мы можем заключить, что... - We may infer from this particular example that...
    Имеется много других примеров, иллюстрирующих основную идею (чего-л). - There are many other examples which illustrate the basic idea of...
    История изобилует примерами (чего-л)... - The history of... provides many examples of cases where...; The history of... abounds in cases where...
    К примеру, давайте рассмотрим взаимодействие... - Let us, for example, consider the interaction of...
    К примеру, можно было бы предположить, что... - It might, for example, be conjectured that...
    К примеру, оценивается, что... - It is estimated, for example, that...
    К примеру, предположим, что... - For instance, suppose that...
    К примеру, это особенно верно в случае... - This is particularly so, for example, in the case of...
    Как показывает следующий пример, это не обязательно выполнено. - This is not necessarily the case, as the following example illustrates.
    Легко понятный, но все еще не слишком тривиальный пример - это... - An easily understood, yet not too trivial, example is that of...
    Менее тривиальным примером является... - A less trivial example is...
    Мы заключаем (наше изложение и т. п.) примером, иллюстрирующим... - We conclude by giving an example to illustrate...
    Мы заключаем этот пример замечанием, что... - We conclude this example with the observation that...
    Мы могли бы, к примеру, решить, что... - We might, for example, decide that...
    Мы можем показать это на простом примере. - We can demonstrate this with a simple example.
    Мы начинаем с рассмотрения трех конкретных примеров. - We begin by looking at three concrete examples.
    Мы увидим, что это пример (чего-л). - We shall see that this is an example of...
    Наиболее значимые примеры должны быть найдены (в)... - The most conspicuous examples are to be found in...
    Наиболее значимой чертой этого примера является то, что... - The most significant feature of this example is that...
    Наиболее известными примерами являются... - The most familiar examples are...
    Наш простой пример показывает, что... - Our simple example demonstrates that...
    Более сложный пример предоставляется... - A more difficult example is provided by...
    Несколько решенных примеров представлены в следующем параграфе. - Several worked out examples are presented in the next section.
    Ниже приводится пример, который иллюстрирует... - An example is used below to illustrate...
    Нижеследующее является хорошим примером (чего-л). - The following is a good example of...
    Нижеследующий пример показывает, что... - The following example shows that...
    Объяснить это наилучшим образом можно с помощью примеров. - This is best made clear by means of examples.
    Один из наиболее впечатляющих примеров это... - One of the most striking examples is...
    Одна интересная вариация последнего примера вытекает из... - An interesting variation on the last example is provided by...
    Однако имеет смысл проиллюстрировать данную технику следующим примером. - It is, however, worthwhile to illustrate the technique by the following example.
    Однако, как указывает Смит [1], безусловно существуют примеры... - But, as Smith [1] points out, there are certainly examples of...
    Перед тем, как продолжить давать примеры, мы приведем важное замечание, что... - Before proceeding to give examples, we make the important observation that...
    Поучительно решить этот пример, используя... - It is instructive to solve this example by means of...
    Предыдущие примеры иллюстрируют общий факт, что... - The preceding examples illustrate the general fact that...
    Предыдущий пример демонстрирует, что много проще... - The above problems show that it is much easier to...
    Прежде чем представить больше примеров, давайте... - Before presenting more examples, let us...
    Приведем пример, как это происходит. - Let us see how that works in an example.
    Приведем теперь пример, в котором... - We now give an example in which...
    Приведенный выше пример 2 показывает, что... - Example 2 above shows that...
    Пример 3 иллюстрирует основной принцип, что... - Example 3 illustrates the general principle that...
    Пример должен разъяснить это. - An example should make this clear.
    Пример его использования уже приведен в главе 2. - An example of its use has already been given in Chapter 2.
    Пример послужит для демонстрации выполнения этого вычисления. - An example will serve to show how the calculation is carried out.
    Пример такой структуры можно встретить (в)... - An example of such a structure occurs in...
    Примеры будут найдены в стандартных описаниях... - Examples will be found in standard accounts of...
    Проиллюстрируем это с помощью численного примера. - A numerical example will illustrate this.
    Простейший пример (для) этого дается... - The simplest example of this is given by...
    Простейший пример предоставляется (чем-л). - The simplest example is afforded by...; The simplest example is furnished by...
    Простейший пример такой ситуации дается специальным случаем... - The simplest example of such a situation is the special case of...
    Простейшим примером подобной операции является... - The simplest example of such an operation is...
    Рассмотрим численный пример. - Let us take a numerical example.
    Руководствуясь более ранним примером, полученным нами, мы... - Guided by our earlier example, we...
    С помощью этого примера становится очевидно, что... - On the basis of this example, it is evident that...
    Сейчас мы построим некоторые примеры, чтобы проиллюстрировать... - We now work out some examples to illustrate...
    Следующая серия примеров (= иллюстраций) показывает... - The following series of illustrations shows...
    Следующий пример дает иллюстрацию этой техники. - The following example illustrates the technique.
    Следующий пример демонстрирует этот тип решения. - The next example demonstrates this type of solution.
    Следующий пример может помочь объяснению этого момента (= пункта). - The following example may help to clarify this point.
    Следующий пример может сделать это утверждение яснее. - The following example may make this point clearer.
    Следующий пример показывает недостаток этой схемы. - A shortcoming of this scheme is shown by the following example.
    Следующий пример предоставляет введение (в)... - The following example provides an introduction to...
    Смит [1] приводит убедительный пример существования... - Smith [l] makes a persuasive case for the existence of...
    Сначала рассмотрим (один) пример. - First we consider an example.
    Совершенно другого типа пример предоставляется (чем-л). - An example of an entirely different kind is provided by...
    Существует много примеров... - There are many examples of...
    Таким образом, мы пришли к первому примеру (чего-л). - Thus we arrive at our first instance of...
    Теперь мы возвращаемся к примеру, рассмотренному во втором параграфе. - We now return to the example treated in Section 2.
    Теперь мы обратимся к некоторым примерам... - We now turn to some examples of...
    Теперь приведем несколько конкретных примеров. - A few concrete examples are in order.
    Только что приведенный пример является специальным случаем... - The example just given is a special case of...
    Следующие три примера иллюстрируют эту возможность. - The next three examples illustrate this possibility
    У нас есть здесь другой пример... - We have here another example of...
    Часто упоминаемым простым примером является случай... - A simple example, often quoted, is the case of...
    Численный пример проиллюстрирует относительную важность... - A numerical example will illustrate the relative importance of...
    Читатель должен тщательно изучить этот пример. - The reader should study this example carefully.
    Чтобы..., мы ограничимся лишь простым примером. - We restrict ourselves to a simple example in order to...
    Чтобы привести еще более простой пример, мы можем рассмотреть... - То take an even simpler example, we can consider...
    Чтобы проиллюстрировать это наиболее простым примером, предположим, что... - То take the simplest possible illustration, suppose that...
    Эта техника иллюстрируется следующим примером. - The technique is illustrated in the next example.
    Эта точка зрения будет объяснена примерами при изучении метода... - This point will be clarified by examples when we study the method of...
    Эти два примера иллюстрируют некоторые из проблем... - These two examples illustrate some of the problems of...
    Эти и другие примеры показывают, что... - These and many other examples show that...
    Эти примеры предназначены в качестве (некоторого) руководства для... - These examples are intended as a guide for...
    Эти примеры типичные, но не исчерпывающие. - These examples are typical but not exhaustive.
    Эти соотношения можно было бы приложить, к примеру, к... - These expressions may be applied, for example, to... ,
    Это было достаточно хорошо проиллюстрировано предыдущими примерами. - This has been sufficiently illustrated in the preceding examples.
    Это другой пример (чего-л). - This is another example of...
    Это еще один пример... - This is a further example of...
    Это можно лучше всего понять, используя специальный пример. - This is best understood through a specific example.
    Это пример того, что называется... - This is an example of what is called...
    Это хороший пример (чего-л). - This is a good example of...
    Этот метод лучше всего иллюстрируется примером. - The procedure is best illustrated by an example.
    Этот очень простой пример типичен для... - This very simple example is typical of...
    Этот пример демонстрирует один способ... - This example demonstrates one way of...
    Этот пример иллюстрирует общий факт, что... - This example illustrates the general fact that...
    Этот пример интересен в связи с... - This example is of interest in connection with...
    Этот пример показывает, что может быть необходимым... - This example shows that it may be necessary to...
    Этот пример представляет лишь академический интерес. - This example is of academic interest only.
    Этот случай дает прекрасный пример (чего-л). - This case provides an excellent example of...

    Русско-английский словарь научного общения > пример

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  • The Young and the Restless minor characters — The following are characters from the American soap opera The Young and the Restless who are notable for their actions or relationships, but who do not warrant their own articles. Contents 1 Current Characters 1.1 Genevieve …   Wikipedia

  • The United States of America —     The United States of America     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The United States of America     BOUNDARIES AND AREA     On the east the boundary is formed by the St. Croix River and an arbitrary line to the St. John, and on the north by the… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • The Amazing Race — sometimes referred to as TAR, is a reality television game show in which teams of two people (with one exception), who have some form of a preexisting personal relationship, race around the world in competition with other teams. Contestants stri …   Wikipedia

  • The Seal of Confession —     The Law of the Seal of Confession     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Law of the Seal of Confession     In the Decretum of the Gratian who compiled the edicts of previous councils and the principles of Church law which he published about 1151,… …   Catholic encyclopedia

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